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David C. Abbott Early Learning Center A Rainbow of Stars!

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Art Resources

  • Mo Willems, a number one New York Times best-selling author and illustrator invites YOU to his studio everyday for his LUNCH DOODLE.  Learners can draw, doodle, and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo's studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks.  Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together. Click the link below
  • Follow Mati and Dada on exciting adventures where learning meets creativity and imagination!  Mati is magically transported into the lives of great artists by her sidekick Dada!  Click the link below
  • Listen to some of our favorite Kindergarten art songs! 
  • Listen to some of our favorite Pre K art songs!
  • If you are an Amazon Prime member check out the show Creative Galaxy!  Follow the adventure of Arty and his sidekick Epiphany, as they search the galaxy to solve problems with art.